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Parlor Palm

One palm plant arrives in a rattan pot cover. Note: this item may not be available for same day delivery in all areas.
Approx. 23” W x 30” H

Price:  $74.99 USD
plus service fee

In most cases same day delivery available for orders placed before 1:00 PM in the recipient's time zone (noon on Saturdays)

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  Standard $74.99
  Deluxe $84.99
  Premium $94.99

    Find a zip code




Note: due to ongoing issues with the floral supply chain, significant substitutions may be required on some mixed arrangements

This item is professionally arranged and hand delivered to the recipient by our local florist. Since only the freshest and highest quality items are selected, colors and/or varieties may vary. Container may also vary.

Customer Comments

Aloha! Just wanted to drop a line to thank you for your quick and professional service. I know it was last minute and I was fortunate to find your website. Mom Loved the flowers and her 70th was a great success. Thank you for helping me add to her special day. Mahalo,

I’m writing to thank you for the flowers you sent my sisters on her birthday. I’ve been doing this for years and this is the first time she was able to enjoy them for a full week. I will order all flowers from you in the future. Thank you,

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We deliver throughout the Greensboro metropolitan area, including: Adams Farm, Arlington Park, Asheboro Community, Aycock/Summit Ave, Battle Forest, Beechcroft, Bellwood Village, Benjamin Benson, Bethany Woods, Bluford Heights, Brandt Trace Farms, Brice Street Area, British Woods, Brookwood Gardens, Bryson Ridge, Callum Area, Carriage Hills, Carriage Woods, Clinton Hills, College Forest, College Hill, Cone Mills Community, Country Park Acres, Courthouse Square, Cumberland, Dellwood Park, Downtown Community, Dudley Heights, East White Oak, Eastside Park, Fairview Homes, Fisher Park, Forest Valley, Franklin Blvd./Shirley Lane, Friendly Acres, Friendly Acres North, Friendly Homes, Friendly Lakes, Friendswood, Garden Homes, Glendale Hills, Glenwood, Gorrell Street Community, Grandover, Green Valley, Greenhaven, Greentree, Guilford Hills, Hamilton Forest, Hamilton Hills, Hamilton Lakes, Hampton Community, Harbor, Heath Community, Hewitt Area, Highland Park, Hillsdale Park, Holden Farms, Hope Valley, Hunter Hills, Idlewood, Jefferson Gardens, Kings Forest, Kirkwood, Lake Brandt Estates, Lake Daniel, Lake Jeanette, Lake Shore, Lamrocton, Latham Park, Laurel Run, Lawndale Homes, Lincoln Heights, Lindley Park, Logan, Longview Hills, Lowdermilk Area, Madison Woods, Maple Ridge, Martin Area, Meadowood Homes, Natchez Trace, Nealtown Farms, New Irving Park, North Hills, North Oaks, Northern Shores, Oak Grove, Oaks West, O'Henry Oaks, Old Irving Park, Park Grove, Pennydale, Phillips Avenue, Quaker Acres, Quaker Run, Rainbow/Meadowood, Random Woods, Rankin Area, Robinridge, Rolling Roads, Rosewood, Rotherwood, Saddlecreek, Sedgefield Lakes, Shannon Hills, Shannon Woods, Sharing Trace, Smith Homes, Southmont, Southside, Spicewood, Spring Valley, Starmount Forest, Stephens Street, Studio Lane, Summit Hills, Sunset Hills, Textile Dr./Waugh St., The Bluffs, The Meadows, The Orchard, The Pines, The Reserve, The Thicket, Three Meadows, Tolbert, Warnersville, Westbury, Westerwood, Westridge Heights, Westwind Area, Westwood, Wilpar Estates, Woodbriar Estates, Woodland Hills, Woodlea, Woodlea Lakes, Woodmere Park, Woodridge, Wynnmere